Cấu hình backup tự động switch, router cisco với kron

Cấu hình backup tự động switch, router​​ cisco với kron


1/​​ Cấu hình trên switch, router:

Điều chỉnh lại giờ sao cho chuẩn với GMT +7​​ để cả switch và server backup đồng bộ giờ chuẩn.

clock timezone vietnam​​ +7

Create a kron policy list—This is the script that lists what commands the router should run at the scheduled time.

Router(config)#kron policy-list​​ SaveConfig


 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Router(config-kron-policy)#cli write

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Router(config-kron-policy)#exit

cli—Specifies EXEC CLI commands within a Command Scheduler policy list.

Policy-list—Specifies the policy list associated with a Command Scheduler occurrence.

Note: The reason why write was used rather than copy running-config startup-config is because kron does not support interactive prompts and the copy running-config startup-config command requires interaction. It is important to remember this when you create commands. Also, note that kron does not support configuration commands.

Create a kron occurrence—This informs the router when and how often the policy should run.

Router(config)#kron occurrence​​ SaveConfigSchedule

​​ at 23:00 Sun recurring

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Router(config-kron-occurrence)#policy-list​​ SaveConfig


SaveConfigSchedule—This is the name of occurrence. Length of occurrence-name is from 1 to 31 characters. If the occurrence-name is new, an occurrence structure will be created. If the occurrence-name is not new, the existing occurrence will be edited.

at—Identifies that the occurrence is to run at a specified calendar date and time.

recurring—Identifies that the occurrence is to run on a recurring basis.

Verify the kron configuration by using the show command.

Router#sh kron schedule

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Kron Occurrence Schedule

SaveConfigSchedule​​ inactive, will run again in 1 days 12:37:47 at 23:00 on Sun

inactive—Means that kron is not running the command(s) at present.

Active—Means that kron is running the current command(s).

Router#show running-configuration​​ 

kron occurrence SaveConfigSchedule at 23:00 Sun recurring

policy-list SaveConfig​​ 

kron policy-list SaveConfig

cli write

Backup Configuration to a TFTP Server

This example is to save the running config to a TFTP server ( every Sunday at 23:00:

Router(config)#kron policy-list​​ Backup


Router(config-kron-policy)#cli show run | redirect​​ tftp://




Router(config)#kron occurrence Backup at 9:30​​ wed​​ recurring

Router(config-kron-occurrence)#policy-list​​ Backup

2/​​ Cấu hình server TFTP

Có thể dùng phần mềm tftp 64 để dùng trên window hoặc cài tftp server trên linux

Sau khi cài xong cần mở cổng 69 trên firewall và cài đặt chi tiết như sau:

Go ahead and double click on tftpd64.exe file. It will open TFTPD64 program (Check screenshot). Once the program is open, click on Settings button.

TFTP64 Main Window

The TFTPD64 settings window will open as shown below.

TFTP64 Properties window

Put a check mark only to TFTP Server option. Remove checkmark from all other options.

TFTP Server Option selected

Note: Be very careful with the DHCP option because if you keep this option checked, then your laptop can act like a DHCP Server in your network. So be careful with the options that you select.

Click on TFTP tab, the window will look as shown below.


Click on Browse button to specify Base Directory. You need to specify the Base Directory of the TFTP Server. You can select any folder in your laptop as the Base Directory. Remember that all the files transferred using TFTP Server will be placed in this folder.

TFTP Server Base Directory

I selected the same TFTP folder (C:\TFTP) as my Base directory. Once you select the folder of your choice, click on OK button.


Under TFTP Security, select the option None (you can also use Standard).TFTP Security None

Under Advanced TFTP Options, select Option negotiationShow Progress barTranslate Unix file names and Allow “\” as virtual root (check screenshot to understand better)

TFTP32 Advance Options

Here comes a very important step. Now we are going to bind an IP address to the TFTP Server. To set the IP address for TFTP server, please select the option Bind TFTP to this address then select the IP address available for you. I select here as it was the only option available to me. You may get a different IP address, please use the IP address available in the drop down window. Do not break your head, we just an IP address here 

Bind IP address to TFTP Server

Once you have performed all the above said steps, Click on OK. Now you will receive a window asking to restart TFTPD64 to apply the new settings. Click on OK and close all TFTP windows which were open in your laptop.


Re-open TFTPD64 now. Once the program open, just ensure that you selected same IP address for Server Interface. Please remember that the TFTP64 application should be running when any TFTP related job is done. If you close this application, TFTP server will be terminated.

TFTP Server Interface

Voila, I just setup a TFTP Server here. Now when I use the address tftp://, I am referring to C:\TFTP folder in my laptop. Moreover, if you copy a file in C:\TFTP folder, it is accessible by typing the above address. For example, If I keep a Word document file with name SiRu.docx in C:\TFTP folder, the path will be tftp:// (never type the folder name C:\TFTP in TFTP path).

You can also find whether anyone is accessing the TFTP Server. When someone copy any file from TFTP server, a tiny file copy window will show statistics and progress bar.


If you wish to find You can also click on Log Viewer and see the logs there.